Explain the chromosomal theory of inheritance.

The Chromosomal Theory establishes chromosomes as carriers of genetic material and puts forth the following principles:

  1. Hereditary traits are transmitted through gametes, the reproductive cells formed by the parents (sperms and ova), acting as a link between parents and offspring.
  2.  Chromosomes within the nucleus of gametes serve as the vehicles for transmitting all hereditary characteristics.
  3. Chromosomes exist in pairs within somatic or diploid cells.
  4. During gamete formation, homologous chromosomes pair and segregate independently during meiosis, transforming the diploid state into a haploid condition. Consequently, each gamete carries only one chromosome from each pair.
  5. Fertilization, the union of sperm and egg, restores the diploid number of chromosomes in the resulting zygote.

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