Describe briefly various steps of plant breeding methods.

1. Collection of Variability: i) Gather diverse alleles for all genes in a given crop through germplasm collection. ii) Preserve wild species and relatives of cultivated species with desired traits. iii) In situ conservation occurs in forests and natural reserves, while botanical gardens and seed banks facilitate ex situ conservation. 2. Evaluation and Selection of … Read more

Give an account of mutation breeding with examples.

1. Mutations denote sudden heritable changes in the genetic makeup. 2. The occurrence of natural mutations is characterized by a slow rate of occurrence. 3. Natural physical mutagens encompass factors like exposure to elevated temperatures, high concentrations of CO2, X-rays, and UV rays. 4. Induction of mutations can be achieved through the use of various … Read more

Give an account of poultry diseases.

Diverse poultry diseases can be categorized into various types: 1. Viral Diseases: Examples include Ranikhet, Bronchitis, and Avian Influenza (bird flu), which has not only had a significant impact on poultry farming but has also been known to cause infections in humans. 2. Bacterial Diseases: Conditions such as Pullorum, Cholera, Typhoid, Tuberculosis (TB), Chronic Respiratory … Read more

Describe various methods of fish preservation.

Fish preservation methods include: 1. Chilling: Fish is covered with layers of ice for short-term preservation, effectively slowing down autolytic enzyme activity. 2. Freezing: This long-duration method involves freezing fish at temperatures between 0°C to -20°C, inhibiting autolytic enzymes and reducing bacterial growth. 3. Freeze Drying: Fish frozen at -20°C undergo direct sublimation of ice to … Read more

Write a note on lac culture.

1. Derived from the dermal glands of the female lac insect (Trachardia lacca), lac is a resin with a distinct pink hue that solidifies upon exposure to air, resulting in the formation of lac. 2. Constituting a complex substance, lac encompasses resin, sugar, water, minerals, and alkaline substances, contributing to its multifaceted composition. 3. Displaying … Read more

Explain the process of sewage water treatment before it can be discharged into natural bodies. Why this treatment is essential?

Sewage water purification is achieved by directing it through sewage treatment plants, utilizing the action of microorganisms. Within these plants, the separation of solids from liquids occurs through physical processes, while liquids undergo purification through biological and chemical processes in three distinct stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary. (i) Primary Treatment: Physical removal of particles like … Read more

Enlist the species of honey bee mentioning their specific uses.

In India, four prevalent honey bee species include Apis dorsata (rock bee or wild bee), Apis florea (little bee), Apis mellifera (European bee), and Apis indica (Indian bee). Uses: 1. Rock bees : Rock bees yield an impressive 36 kg of honey per comb annually and also generate beeswax. 2. Little bees : Little bees … Read more

Give economic importance of fishery.

The significance of fisheries in the economy is as follows: 1. Offering valuable employment and self-employment opportunities, the industry proves to be a significant source of livelihood for many individuals. 2. Fish contribute to a nutritious diet, serving as a vital source of wholesome food. 3. The fishing industry generates various commercially valuable by-products, including … Read more