Name the three ossicles of the middle ear.

The middle ear comprises the tympanic membrane and three bony ossicles: the malleus, incus, and stapes. Together, these ossicles form a connection between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear. This arrangement facilitates the transmission of sound waves from the external environment to the inner ear. The malleus, incus, and stapes play a crucial role … Read more

Describe human blood and give its functions.

Human blood is a vital fluid that circulates through the cardiovascular system, consisting of plasma and various types of cells. Here’s an overview of its components and functions: Components of Human Blood: 1. Plasma: This is the liquid component of blood, comprising water, electrolytes, proteins, hormones, and waste products.Represents 55% of total blood volume. 2. Red … Read more

What is blood pressure? How is it measured? Explain factors affecting blood pressure.

Blood pressure: 1. Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on artery walls. 2. Systolic blood pressure is during ventricular contraction, averaging 120 mmHg in a healthy adult. 3. Diastolic blood pressure is during ventricular relaxation, averaging 80 mmHg. 4. Represented as a ratio like 120/80 mmHg, indicating systolic over diastolic pressure. 5. Pulse … Read more

Describe histological structure of artery, vein and capillary.

Artery histological structure: 1. Arteries are thick-walled vessels carrying oxygenated blood (except for the pulmonary artery, which carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation). 2. All arteries originate from the heart and transport blood away from it. 3. Arteries consist of three layers: tunica externa, tunica media, and tunica interna. 4. Tunica externa (adventitia) … Read more

How is blood kept moving in the large veins of the legs?

1. During systole, the heart exerts pressure, propelling blood into the aorta, initiating blood circulation throughout the body. The aorta branches into the dorsal aorta, supplying the upper body before dividing into arteries that extend into the legs. Blood moves in the legs due to pressure and gravitational forces. 2. Muscles in the legs play … Read more

If the duration of the atrial systole is 0.1 sec and that of complete diastole is 0.4 sec, then how does one cardiac cycle complete in 0.8 sec?

1. It takes 0.8 seconds to complete a single cardiac cycle. 2. The cardiac cycle comprises three crucial phases: atrial systole, ventricular systole, and joint diastole. 3. Under normal conditions, atrial systole lasts for 0.1 second, followed by ventricular systole lasting 0.3 seconds, and joint diastole, or complete diastole, extending for approximately 0.4 seconds. 4. … Read more

Which blood vessel of the heart will have the maximum content of Oxygen and why?

1. The aorta, originating from the left ventricle of the heart, carries blood rich in oxygen. 2. Deoxygenated blood undergoes oxygenation in the pulmonary capillaries surrounding the lung’s alveoli. The resulting oxygenated blood is collected by the four pulmonary veins. 3. These pulmonary veins transport the oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart. … Read more