Define gene frequency

Gene frequency, as defined by Gillespie (2004), represents the proportion or percentage of a population possessing a specific allele at a given genetic locus. This concept is more accurately termed allele frequency. It quantifies the prevalence of a particular gene variant within a population, reflecting the distribution of alleles at that locus.

Describe the ‘lac-operon’.

The Lac operon, proposed by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod, is predominantly found in prokaryotes like E. coli, representing the first identified gene regulatory process in bacteria. Comprising an operator, promoter, three structural genes (lacZ, lacY, lacA), and a terminator, the operon governs the regulation of lactose, including its transport and metabolism. The structural genes … Read more

Describe the process of translation in protein synthesis

Translation is the term used to describe the polymerization of amino acids into a polypeptide, constituting the biological process by which proteins are synthesized is called translation. Translation happens in following main steps: Initiation, Elongation, Translocation, Termination Initiation: 1. The initiation phase involves the assembly of ribosomes around the target mRNA. 2. Ribosomes, known as … Read more

Describe the process of transcription in protein synthesis.

Transcription The Central Dogma elucidates the process by which DNA encodes proteins, unfolding in three phases: replication, transcription, and translation. Following DNA replication of its two strands, information is transcribed into RNA. The process of transcription in protein synthesis is as follows: 1. Transcription is the initial step in protein synthesis, where m-RNA is formed … Read more

Explain the process of DNA replication.

DNA replication DNA replication is the biological mechanism that generates two identical copies of DNA from a single original DNA molecule. The steps involved in the process of DNA replication are as follows: 1. Helicase initiates DNA replication by unzipping the double helix, breaking hydrogen bonds between complementary bases. 2. This separation forms a replication … Read more

Write a note on human genome project(HGP).

The Human Genome Project constituted a collaborative and global scientific endeavor aimed at elucidating the sequence of nucleotide base pairs comprising human DNA. Its overarching objectives included the comprehensive identification and mapping of all human genome genes, undertaken with a dual focus on both the physical and functional dimensions of genetic information. Following are the … Read more

Explain the role of lactose in ‘lac operon’.

The role of lactose in in ‘lac operon’ are-: 1. A low level of beta-galactoside permease enzyme persists in the cell even when the Lac operon is inactive, allowing minimal lactose entry. 2. Lactose binding to the repressor renders it inactive. 3. The repressor-lactose complex loses its ability to bind to the operator gene, leading … Read more

Write a note on applications of DNA finger printing.

DNA fingerprinting, is a technique that analyzes the unique characteristics of DNA molecules to identify individuals. It creates a distinct DNA profile, much like fingerprints, allowing for individual identification and analysis. Applications of DNA finger printing: 1. Forensic science aids in pinpointing potential suspects. 2. Establishing blood relationships is a key function. 3. Identification and … Read more

Enlist the characteristics of genetic code.

The several key features of the genetic code are: 1. Commaless Structure: The genetic code exhibits a commaless arrangement, where triplet codons on m-RNA follow one another seamlessly without gaps. This absence of commas in the sequence is a distinctive feature. 2. Non-ambiguous Nature: Each codon holds the unique ability to specify a particular amino … Read more