Define ecological pyramids and describe with examples, pyramids of number and biomass.

Ecological pyramids Ecological pyramids depict the interconnections among various ecosystem components across consecutive trophic levels. Pyramid of numbers: 1. The pyramid of numbers visually represents the numerical relationships between producers, herbivores, and carnivores across trophic levels. 2. As we ascend trophic levels, the organisms’ numbers decrease; for instance, grasses outnumber herbivores, and herbivores outnumber carnivores. … Read more

Distinguish between Food chain and Food web.

Food chain: A food chain represents a straight sequence of organisms designed for the purpose of nourishment. Energy in a food chain follows a direct, unidirectional pathway from lower to higher trophic levels. Members at higher trophic levels consume only one type of organism in a food chain. Calculating energy flow within a food chain … Read more

Distinguish between upright and inverted pyramid of biomass

Upright pyramid : The initial trophic level of producers in an upright pyramid exhibits a high number and biomass of organisms. Biomass decreases with each successive trophic level. Inverted pyramid: The initial trophic levels of producers in the inverted pyramid exhibit the lowest numbers and biomass of organisms. Biomass increases with each successive trophic level.

Enlist and explain the important characteristics of a population.

The main characteristics of a population encompass population size, population density, natality, mortality, sex ratio, immigration, emigration, age distribution, age pyramids, expanding population, population growth forms, and biotic potential. 1) Population Density: This metric reveals the number of individuals within a population per unit space at a specific time, highlighting the spatial concentration of the … Read more

With the help of suitable diagram describe the logistic population growth curve.

1. In any species, populations inherently face constraints on resources, fostering competition among individuals for survival and reproduction. The success in these endeavors determines the fitness of organisms. 2. Habitats possess a threshold of resource availability, allowing for the maximum sustainable population. However, growth beyond a certain limit becomes unattainable. 3. This limiting factor is … Read more

Define Population and Community.

Population: A population is a collection of organisms of the same species capable of interbreeding, coexisting in a specific geographic region, and sharing or competing for comparable resources. Community: A community is formed by various populations of different species coexisting in a specific area. It results from the interaction and interdependence among diverse organisms within … Read more