Give one example for each :Interspecific competition

1. The concept involves species vying for scarce natural resources. 2. An example is the Abingdon tortoise’s extinction in Galapagos, attributed to competition with introduced goats. 3. The goats’ superior browsing efficiency played a role in the rapid decline of the tortoise population.

Give one example for each : Mutualism

1. Lichen consists of a mutualistic partnership between algae (cyanobacteria) and fungus, where the algae perform photosynthesis to produce food, and the fungus aids in moisture absorption. 2. Algae and fungus in lichen depend on each other, with algae synthesizing food through photosynthesis and the fungus contributing by absorbing moisture.

Enlist and write in breif about the different biological tools required in rDNA technology.

Various biological tools essential in rDNA technology include: i. Instruments: PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a vital process for amplifying the gene of interest in vitro using a PCR machine. It can generate billions of copies of a specific DNA or RNA segment with high accuracy and specificity within a … Read more