A PCR machine can rise temperature upto 100 0 C but after that it is not able to lower the temperature below70 0 C automatically. Which step of PCR will be hampered first in this faulty machine? Explain why?

1. If the malfunctioning device cannot achieve a temperature below 70 °C, the initial primer annealing step will face impediments. 2. Each primer possesses a distinct annealing temperature, determined by its A, T, G, C composition, typically ranging from 40-60 °C.

Explain the properties of a good or ideal cloning vector for rDNA technology.

The ideal cloning vector should possess the following desired characteristics: 1. Enable independent replication through an origin of replication gene. 2. Facilitate seamless transfer into host cells. 3. Incorporate essential control elements such as promoters, operators, and ribosomal binding sites. 4. Integrate marker genes for antibiotic resistance. 5. Include recognition sites for restriction enzymes within … Read more

5. Fill in the blanks and complete the chart. GMO Purpose i. Bt cotton ……………….. ii. ………………. Delay the softening of tomato during ripening. ii. Golden rice ……………….. iv. Holstein cow ………………..

(i) Bt cotton: Engineered for insect resistance to protect the crop from pests. (ii) Flavr Savr Tomato: Modified to slow down softening during ripening, enhancing shelf life. (iii) Golden Rice: Genetically modified to be rich in vitamin A, addressing nutritional deficiencies. (iv) Holstein Cow: Genetically altered for increased milk productivity.