Enlist and write in breif about the different biological tools required in rDNA technology.

Various biological tools essential in rDNA technology include: i. Instruments: PCR, Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a vital process for amplifying the gene of interest in vitro using a PCR machine. It can generate billions of copies of a specific DNA or RNA segment with high accuracy and specificity within a … Read more

Enlist different types of restriction enzymes commonly used in rDNA technology? Write on their role.

Various types of restriction enzymes commonly used in rDNA technology are: 1) Type I – These enzymes, such as EcoK, serve both as endonucleases and methylases, playing a dual role. 2) Type II – These enzymes, including EcoRI and BglII, exhibit separate cleaving and methylation activities. They are more stable and extensively employed in rDNA … Read more

What is a vaccine? Give advantages of oral vaccines or edible vaccines.

A vaccine is essentially a biological tool that trains our immune system. It introduces a weakened or harmless part of a pathogen to our body, teaching our immune system to recognize and defend against it. So, if we later encounter the actual disease, our immune system is ready and equipped to mount a swift defense. … Read more

Give the steps in PCR or polymerase chain reaction with suitable diagrams.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique for in vitro amplification of a target gene using a PCR machine. i. PCR has the capability to produce a billion copies of the desired DNA or RNA segment with high accuracy and specificity within a few hours. ii. This automated process involves thermal cycles for denaturation and … Read more

How are the transgenic mice used in cancer research?

Transgenic mice: 1. Utilizing a specific oncogene (cancer-causing gene), transgenic mice undergo modification, resulting in the development of a distinct type of cancer. This modification proves valuable for addressing inquiries related to the correlation between oncogenes and the progression of cancer. 2. Theoretically, these animals also hold promise for conducting research on cancer treatment and … Read more

Explain the gene therapy. Give two types of it.

Gene therapy involves treating genetic disorders by replacing, altering, or supplementing a gene that is either absent or abnormal, responsible for the disease. Two types of gene therapy are: (a) Germ Line Gene Therapy: 1. Genetically modify germ cells to correct genetic defects. 2. Introduce a normal gene into germ cells like sperm, eggs, and … Read more

Explain the steps in process of rDNA technology with suitable diagrams.

Gene Cloning Process in rDNA Technology i. Isolation of DNA (gene) from the donor organism: a) Extract and purify DNA from the donor organism. ii. Cutting of the desired gene: a) Use restriction enzymes (restriction endonucleases) to cleave isolated DNA. b) Cleaved DNA fragments have cohesive or blunt ends. c) Select a fragment containing the … Read more

Define and explain terms Bioethus

Bioethics explores the ethical perspectives, choices, and principles guiding human conduct in the context of biological occurrences or phenomena. 1. Bioethics addresses various ethical considerations related to emerging technologies such as cloning, transgenics, gene therapy, eugenics, and in vitro fertilization, as well as complex issues like euthanasia and maintaining individuals in comatose states. 2. Within … Read more

Define and explain terms. Biopatent

A biopatent is granted for microorganism strains, cell lines, genetically modified variants, DNA sequences, biotechnological processes, and applications related to products and their processes. Terms of biopatent: 1. Biopatents grant the patent holder exclusive rights to the protected invention, restricting others from making, using, selling, or importing it for a limited duration. 2. The duration … Read more

Define and explain terms .Biopiracy

Biopiracy involves unlawfully taking natural resources, patenting them, and profiting without providing any benefits or compensation to the country of origin. 1. Unauthorized misappropriation involves the wrongful use of biological resources and traditional knowledge. 2. Bio-patenting or exploiting bioresources without proper permission or compensation from the respective nation constitutes unlawful actions. Here are instances of … Read more