Discribe carbon cycle and add a note on the impact of human activities on carbon cycle.

Reservoir of Carbon: 1) Carbon, constituting 49% of organisms’ dry weight, serves as the primary component of all organic compounds in protoplasm, making all life forms on Earth carbon-based. 2) Approximately 71% of carbon exists dissolved in oceans, playing a crucial role in regulating atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. 3) Carbon stored in rocks and fossil … Read more

Write important features of a sedimentary cycle in an ecosystem.

Sedimentary cycles primarily involve reservoirs within the Earth’s crust or rocks, and nutrient elements, such as sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, are part of these cycles found in the Earth’s sediments. Key characteristics of a sedimentary cycle within an ecosystem include: 1) The Earth’s crust serves as the principal reservoir for minerals like phosphorus, calcium, … Read more

Define decomposition and describe the processes and products of decomposition.

Decomposition: Metabolism involves decomposing complex compounds by taking in raw materials, processing them, and converting them into simpler compounds. Decomposition progresses through five distinct steps or phases in its entirety. Fragmentation: In the early phase of decomposition, detritus undergoes fragmentation as detritivores break it down into smaller pieces. Leaching: Leaching occurs when fragmented particles, which … Read more

What is primary productivity? Give brief description of factors that affect primary productivity.

Primary productivity refers to the rate at which biomass is generated in an ecosystem, expressed as mass per unit surface (or volume) per unit time, such as grams per square meter per day (g/m²/day). The types of plants present in a specific region are influenced by various environmental factors, including temperature, sunlight, salinity, oxygen and … Read more

Define ecological pyramids and describe with examples, pyramids of number and biomass.

Ecological pyramids Ecological pyramids depict the interconnections among various ecosystem components across consecutive trophic levels. Pyramid of numbers: 1. The pyramid of numbers visually represents the numerical relationships between producers, herbivores, and carnivores across trophic levels. 2. As we ascend trophic levels, the organisms’ numbers decrease; for instance, grasses outnumber herbivores, and herbivores outnumber carnivores. … Read more

Distinguish between Food chain and Food web.

Food chain: A food chain represents a straight sequence of organisms designed for the purpose of nourishment. Energy in a food chain follows a direct, unidirectional pathway from lower to higher trophic levels. Members at higher trophic levels consume only one type of organism in a food chain. Calculating energy flow within a food chain … Read more

Distinguish between upright and inverted pyramid of biomass

Upright pyramid : The initial trophic level of producers in an upright pyramid exhibits a high number and biomass of organisms. Biomass decreases with each successive trophic level. Inverted pyramid: The initial trophic levels of producers in the inverted pyramid exhibit the lowest numbers and biomass of organisms. Biomass increases with each successive trophic level.