Name important defense mechanisms in plants against herbivores.

Morphological defense mechanisms: 1. Opuntia and cactus leaves undergo morphological changes, transforming into sharp spines or thorns, serving as a defense mechanism to deter herbivores from feeding on them. 2. Certain plants exhibit spiny leaf margins, creating sharp edges that pose challenges for herbivores attempting to consume them. 3. Acacia plants employ a defense strategy … Read more

If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium, will it be able to survive? Give reason.

1. Marine fish possess distinct osmoregulation mechanisms tailored for high-salinity environments, where ambient salinity exceeds their body’s ion concentration. 2. In marine water, the salinity levels are higher than the fish’s internal ion concentration, necessitating specialized adaptations for osmoregulation. 3. The reverse scenario occurs in fresh water, where the ambient salinity is lower than the … Read more

How is the dormancy of seeds different from hibernation in animals?

1. Dormant seeds exhibit no metabolic activities and can only resume growth when provided with adequate moisture and sunlight, typically through planting or exposure to a moist environment. 2. Hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity in animals, and their awakening is spontaneous, influenced by ambient temperature, occurring naturally after the winter sleep period.

Give one example for each :Interspecific competition

1. The concept involves species vying for scarce natural resources. 2. An example is the Abingdon tortoise’s extinction in Galapagos, attributed to competition with introduced goats. 3. The goats’ superior browsing efficiency played a role in the rapid decline of the tortoise population.

Give one example for each : Mutualism

1. Lichen consists of a mutualistic partnership between algae (cyanobacteria) and fungus, where the algae perform photosynthesis to produce food, and the fungus aids in moisture absorption. 2. Algae and fungus in lichen depend on each other, with algae synthesizing food through photosynthesis and the fungus contributing by absorbing moisture.