Name the ovarian hormone and give their functions.

Ovarian hormones include estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, and inhibin. Functions: 1. Estrogen: • Stimulates secondary sexual characteristic development during puberty. • Regulates the menstrual cycle, promoting uterine lining growth. • Maintains bone density and cardiovascular health. 2. Progesterone: • Prepares and sustains the endometrium for potential pregnancy. • Coordinates with estrogen for menstrual cycle regulation. • Supports early pregnancy by preventing … Read more

Which are the 2 types of goitre? What are their causes?

Simple goiter: Simple goitre, also known as endemic goitre, arises from a deficiency of iodine in the diet. This deficiency leads to a reduced iodine level in the bloodstream. To compensate for this shortage, the thyroid gland attempts to extract more iodine from the blood, prompting an increase in blood supply to the gland. Consequently, … Read more

Name the secretion of alpha, beta and delta cells of islets of langerhans. Explain their role.

The Islets of Langerhans constitute the endocrine portion of the pancreas. There are four type of cells in islets of langerhans Alpha cell: 1. Glucagon hormone is secreted by alpha cells. 2. Alpha cells release the hormone glucagon. 3. The secretion of glucagon is carried out by alpha cells. 4. Glucagon is produced and released … Read more

Explain how the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nervous system function as a closely integrated system.

1. The adrenal medulla stems from embryonic neuro-ectoderm. 2. Comprising rounded clusters of large granular cells known as chromaffin cells, it consists of modified post-ganglionic cells from the sympathetic nervous system. 3. These cells maintain connections with preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system. 4. Consequently, the adrenal medulla serves as a continuation of the … Read more

Where is the pituitary gland located? Enlist the hormones secreted by anterior pituitary.

The pituitary gland is connected to the ventral surface of the brain, adjacent to the hypothalamus. The hormones secreted by anterior pituitary: 1. Growth Hormone (GH): Stimulates growth. Function: 1. Growth hormone maintains body structure, metabolism, and supports brain and organ tissue health. 2. Widely used in medicine for treating growth disorders in children and … Read more

An adult patient surffers from low heart rate, low metabolic rate and low body temperature. He also lacks alertness, intelligence and initiative. What can be this disease? What can be its cause and care?

1. Myxedema is the illness associated with this individual, characterized by a swollen look and diminished alertness. 2. It stems from thyroid gland malfunction, a consequence of severe hypothyroidism or insufficient thyroxine hormone. 3. The condition results in a puffy appearance and reduced alertness in affected patients.

State the site of production and function of Secretin, Gastrin and Cholecystokinin.

site of production : secretin, Gastrin, cholecystokinin. Functions: Secretin: Promotes the release of pancreatic juice from the pancreas and bile from the liver. Gastrin: Promotes the secretion of gastric juice from gastric glands. Cholecystokinin: Encourages the pancreas and gall bladder to release pancreatic enzymes and bile, respectively.  

List the properties of the nerve fibres.

Excitability : Increased responsiveness or irritability characterizes the heightened sensitivity of an organ or body part, reflecting its heightened reactivity to stimulation. Conductivity: Conductivity refers to how easily electric charge or heat can move through a substance. A conductor is a material that offers minimal resistance to the flow of electric current or thermal energy. … Read more

While holding a tea cup Mr. Kothari’s hands rattle. Which disorder he may be suffering from and what is the reason for this?

1. Parkinson’s disease causes this condition. 2. It results from the degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons in the central nervous system. 3. 80% of patients experience this condition alongside stiffness, walking difficulties, and challenges in balance and coordination.