Enlist the characteristics of genetic code.

The several key features of the genetic code are: 1. Commaless Structure: The genetic code exhibits a commaless arrangement, where triplet codons on m-RNA follow one another seamlessly without gaps. This absence of commas in the sequence is a distinctive feature. 2. Non-ambiguous Nature: Each codon holds the unique ability to specify a particular amino … Read more

Write short note on DNA packaging in eukaryotic cell.

1. Eukaryotic cell DNA (2.2 meters) undergoes condensation, coiling, and supercoiling for efficient packaging in the nucleus (10-16 meters). 2. DNA associates with both histone and non-histone proteins. 3. Histones, positively charged basic proteins, are rich in lysine and arginine amino acid residues. 4. The nucleosome consists of a nucleosome core with two molecules each … Read more

What is degeneracy of genetic code?

Degeneracy in the genetic code refers to the phenomenon where a specific amino acid can be encoded by multiple codons. This coding redundancy enables a wide range of permutations and combinations for the representation of a given amino acid, often with variations in just one nucleotide among codons that share the same meaning.

Why are okazaki fragments formed on lagging strand only?

1. Fragments on the lagging strand are created during DNA synthesis. 2. Synthesis occurs in the 5′ to 3′ direction toward the replication fork. 3. These fragments enable replication on only one of the two strands. 4. This enhances the efficiency of DNA replication.