What are holandric traits?

Holandric traits are characteristics or traits determined by genes located on the Y chromosome. Since the Y chromosome is passed almost exclusively from father to son, these traits are inherited in a male-specific pattern, passed down from fathers to their sons. Holandric traits exhibit a unique inheritance pattern that is different from both autosomal and … Read more

What are X-linked genes?

The X linked genes are located on non homologous region of X chromosome and these gene do not have corresponding alleles on Y chromosome. Female has two X chromosomes. In female two recessive sex linked genes are required for expression of sex linked traits. If one X chromosome carries a recessive gene for sex- linked … Read more

What is crossing over?

Crossing over is a process that produces new combinations (recombinations) of genes by interchanging and exhanging of corresponding segments between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. It occurs during pachytene of prophase I of meiosis. The term crossing over was coined by Morgan. The mechanism of crossing over consists four sequential steps such as synapsis, tetrad … Read more

Explain the statement of law of dominance is not universal

Mendel’s “Law of dominance is not universal” reflects the complexities in genetic inheritance. Real-world genetics presents instances like co-dominance and incomplete dominance, where alleles don’t strictly adhere to dominance or recessiveness. These exceptions add shade to visible outcomes, challenging the simplicity of Mendelian principles. The dynamic interplay of alleles in these scenarios reveals a spectrum … Read more