Name the parts of pistil which develop into fruits and seeds.

The two key parts of the pistil that develop into fruits and seeds are: Ovary: This swollen base of the pistil contains ovules, the precursors to seeds. After fertilization, the ovary wall thickens and ripens to become the fruit. Ovules: These are tiny structures within the ovary that contain egg cells. Once fertilized, ovules develop … Read more

Even though each pollen grain has 2 male gametes, why atleast 20 pollen grains are required to fertilize 20 ovules in a particular carpel?

While each pollen grain has two male gametes, at least 20 are needed for 20 ovules due to double fertilization. One gamete fuses with the egg, and the other with the central cell, requiring a 1:1 ratio of pollen to ovules. This ensures both fertilization and endosperm formation for embryo development.