Milk start to coagulate when Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) is added to warm milk as a starter. Mention any two other benefits of LAB.

Production of dairy production: Curd: It can be a finished dairy product or the initial step in making cheese. Coagulation, induced by rennet, culture, or edible acids like lemon juice, causes milk proteins to form solid curds. Yogurt: Yogurt forms by blending heated milk with bacteria, specifically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The mixture is … Read more

Name any two bacterial biofertilizers.

Bacterial biofertilizers are: Rhizobium: 1. Rhizobium, a soil bacterium, forms a symbiotic relationship with leguminous plants. 2. Through root attachment, Rhizobium induces the formation of nodules on the plant roots. 3. These nodules play a crucial role in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, aiding the plant’s growth. Azotobacter: 1. Azotobacter comprises Gram-negative, soil-dwelling bacteria that … Read more

Do you think that friends can influence one to take alcohol/drugs? If yes, how may one protect himself/herself from such an influence?

Certainly, friends can impact alcohol consumption in the pursuit of modernity or as a status symbol. Preventive measures against alcohol and drug abuse include the following measures: To command one’s will, a person needs considerable strength: The phrase suggests that individuals need strong self-discipline and inner strength to exert control over their desires and decisions. … Read more