Which blood vessel of the heart will have the maximum content of Oxygen and why?

1. The aorta, originating from the left ventricle of the heart, carries blood rich in oxygen. 2. Deoxygenated blood undergoes oxygenation in the pulmonary capillaries surrounding the lung’s alveoli. The resulting oxygenated blood is collected by the four pulmonary veins. 3. These pulmonary veins transport the oxygenated blood to the left atrium of the heart. … Read more

A man’s pulse rate is 68 and cardiac output is 5500 cm3.Find the stroke volume.

Cardiac output refers to the amount of blood ejected per minute in a typical adult human.It is calculated as follows: Cardiac output = Heart rate × Stroke volume Given : Cardiac output = 5500 cm³ Pulse rate = Heart rate = 68 By using these values stroke volume of is calculated as follows: ∴ Cardiac … Read more

Why can you feel a pulse when you keep a finger on the wrist or neck but not when you keep them on a vein?

1) The contraction of the heart generates a pulsating pressure, akin to a wave, pushing blood out of the heart. This pulsation is what you feel as the pulse. However, this pressure is not constant. 2) During systole, when the heart pumps blood, the arteries experience maximum pressure. As this pressure diminishes in capillaries and … Read more

Shreyas went to a garden on a wintry morning. When he came back, he found it difficult to breath and started wheezing. What could be the possible condition and how can he be treated?

(1) Indications suggest that Shreyas might be experiencing allergic reactions, possibly due to exposure to allergens like pollen, dust, pet dander, or other environmental substances during his time in the garden. Alternatively, Shreyas, if already an asthma patient, could be facing exacerbated symptoms due to the wintry climate. (2) When a person is allergic to … Read more

Smita was working in a garage with the doors closed and automobiles engine running. After some time she felt breathless and fainted. What would be the reason? How can she be treated?

1. Working with the car engine running in a closed garage suggests that Smita might be experiencing carbon monoxide poisoning. 2. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous gas formed when fuels burn incompletely in automobile engines. 3. Due to haemoglobin’s strong attraction to carbon monoxide, it forms a stable compound called carboxyhaemoglobin. This reduces available … Read more

Distinguish between Intrinsic and extrinsic process of clotting.

Intrinsic Clotting: 1. Start: Intrinsic clotting begins when there is damage inside blood vessels, like the lining getting hurt. 2. Involved Parts: It uses things in the blood, like platelets and plasma proteins (factor XII). 3. Step-by-Step: A series of steps happens, activating different factors in the blood to make a strong blood clot. 4. … Read more

Distinguish between Blood capillary and lymph capillary.

Blood Capillary: 1. Function: Blood capillaries facilitate the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between the bloodstream and surrounding tissues. 2. Composition: As part of the circulatory system, they contain red and white blood cells, along with plasma. 3. Fluid Movement: Blood capillaries enable the movement of blood from arteries to veins, delivering oxygen-rich … Read more

Distinguish between Blood and lymph.

Blood: 1. Composition: Blood is a red fluid that contains red and white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. 2. Function: It does many jobs, like carrying oxygen, nutrients, and hormones, removing waste, and helping the immune system. 3. Color: Blood looks red because of something called hemoglobin in the red blood cells. 4. Travel: It … Read more

Distinguish between Artery and vein.

Arteries and veins, both essential components of the circulatory system, exhibit distinctions in their structure, function, and the nature of the blood they transport. Artery: 1. Function: Arteries transport oxygenated blood away from the heart to nourish various body tissues and organs. 2. Blood Type: Typically, arteries convey oxygenated blood, with the exception of the … Read more

Distinguish between Open and closed circulation.

Open Circulatory System: 1. Predominantly present in invertebrates. 2. Blood circulates freely through cavities due to the absence of vessels. 3. Commonly observed in arthropods and mollusks. 4. Nutrients and gases are exchanged directly with tissues in open spaces. 5. Limited control over blood flow, as it moves through open compartments. Closed Circulatory System: 1. … Read more