Give the symptoms of cancer.

1. Fatigue: Feeling persistently tired or lacking energy. 2. Lumps or Thickening:Detecting an abnormal lump or thickened area under the skin 3. Weight Changes:Experiencing unintended weight loss or gain. 4. Skin Changes: Noticing alterations like yellowing, darkening, redness, non-healing sores, or changes in moles. 5. Altered Habits:Changes in bowel or bladder habits, persistent cough, difficulty … Read more

Write a short note on AIDS.

HIV is transmitted for following reasons: 1. HIV transmission occurs through specific activities such as sex or injection drug use. 2. The virus is transmitted via certain body fluids, including blood, semen, pre-seminal fluids, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. 3. Transmission is possible only if these fluids contact mucous membranes, open cuts or … Read more

What are the symptoms of malaria? How does malaria spread?

Malaria symptoms typically manifest 7 to 18 days post-infection. Common signs include fever, fatigue, chills, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, anemia, and muscle pain. Severe cases may involve profuse sweating, convulsions, and, in extreme instances, seizures, coma, or death. Malaria is spread for the following reason: When a mosquito contracts a disease from biting an infected person … Read more

Differentiate between B-cells and T-cells.

B Cells (B Lymphocytes): 1. Originate in the bone marrow. 2. Also known as B lymphocytes. 3. Present inside lymph nodes. 4. Have surface antibodies. 5. Connect to the surface of invading bacteria and viruses. 6. Membrane receptor for antigen is BCR (B cell receptor). 7. Life span is short. 8. Secrete antibodies. 9. Have … Read more

Distinguish between active immunity and passive immunity.

Comparing Active Immunity and Passive Immunity: Active Immunity: Protection Origin: Originates from the body’s response to antigens, leading to antibody production and memory cell formation. Duration of Protection: Offers prolonged defense, often for years or a lifetime. Induction: Triggered by exposure to a pathogen through infection or vaccination. Primary Response: Initial immune response is slower as … Read more

What is a carcinogen? Name one chemical carcinogen with its target tissue.

Carcinogens are substances that induce cancer and can be classified into physical, chemical, and biological agents. Carcinogen Organ affected I. Coal tar (3, 4 benzpyrene) Skin, lungs ii. Cigarette smoke (N-nitrosodimethylamine) Lungs iii. Cadmium oxide Prostate gland iv. Aflatoxin (a metabolite of Aspergillus flavus, a mould) Liver

Why is smoking a bad habit?

1. Inhaling cigarette smoke, which contains nicotine, Nnitrosodimethlene, and carbon monoxide, adversely affects respiratory health. 2. Smoking increases the risk of asthma, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and lung damage. 3. The carcinogenic nature of smoking substances poses a severe threat, leading to cancers in the larynx, trachea, lungs, and other health issues, impacting both smokers … Read more

Name the infective stage of Plasmodium. Give any two symptoms of malaria.

Sporozoite is the infective stage of malaria.  Symptoms of malaria: 1. Malaria manifests with symptoms such as fever accompanied by shivering, joint pain, vomiting, and anaemia resulting from RBC rupture. 2. Classic malaria symptoms include haemoglobinuria, retinal damage, convulsions, and cyclical episodes of coldness, rigor, fever, and sweating lasting 4-6 hours. 3. Severe infections may … Read more

Differentiate between antigen and antibody.

Antigen: 1. Antigens, large protein molecules found on pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, trigger immune responses in the body. 2. Upon entry into the body, harmful agents like the common cold virus prompt the production of antibodies as a defense mechanism. 3. The immune reaction involves the assembly of antibodies, which work to … Read more