What is isolation? Describe different type of reproductive isolation.

Isolation refers to the division of a species’ population into smaller units, where organisms in these subunits are hindered from interbreeding by barriers known as isolating mechanisms. Different type of reproductive isolation are as follows: I. Geographical Isolation: • Physical barriers like rivers, oceans, mountains, or glaciers divide the original population. • Organisms can’t cross these … Read more

Enlist the different factors that are responsible for changing gene frequency

The four major  factors that are responsible for changing gene frequency are as follows: 1. Gene mutations :induce hereditary alterations either in a solitary gene or across an entire chromosome. 2. Natural selection:instigates modifications in the gene frequency within a population, subsequently fostering evolutionary changes over time. 3. Migration :engenders the relocation of populations, facilitating … Read more

Write a note on genetic drift.

Genetic drift is the random alteration of gene frequencies in a population due to chance, particularly prominent in small populations. 1. Founder effect occurs when a portion of the population, isolated or migrated, develops genetic distinctions from the original due to allelic frequency changes, potentially leading to the emergence of a new species. 2. The … Read more

State the hardy-weinberg eqnilibrium.

1. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium asserts that genetic variation stays constant in a population under random mating and no disruptive factors, predicting stable genotype and allele frequencies. 2. However, natural forces like mutations, selection, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and gene flow often disturb this equilibrium, making it more of an idealized concept than a practical reality … Read more