Describe mechanism for absorption of water.

A mechanism of water absorption: Water is absorbed through two mechanisms: active absorption and passive absorption. Active absorption: 1. Osmotic Active Absorption: This process involves water absorption through osmosis, where water moves into the root xylem against the concentration gradient of the root cell. The high concentration of solutes in the cell sap and the … Read more

Why do diurnal changes occur in osmotic potential of gaurd cells?

1. During the daytime, the enzymatic activity of phosphorylase facilitates the conversion of starch into sugar, contributing to increased sugar levels. 2. Conversely, during the nighttime, there is a reversal in this process, with sugar being converted back into starch through the action of phosphorylase. 3. These diurnal variations in enzymatic activity result in dynamic … Read more

In which condition transpiration pull will be affected?

Temperature variations between day and night can lead to the formation of gas bubbles, impacting the process of transpiration pull in plants. Fluctuating temperatures can induce the creation of gas pockets, influencing the plant’s ability to draw water through transpiration. Gas bubble formation, influenced by day-night temperature changes, can disrupt the normal transpiration pull in … Read more

What happens when a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure is applied to pure water or a solution?

Applying pressure higher than atmospheric to pure water or a solution elevates its water potential. This heightened pressure induces an increase in the system’s overall water potential. The water potential, influenced by external pressure, rises beyond its baseline in response to the applied force. Essentially, elevated pressure results in an augmented water potential within the … Read more