What is genetic variations? Explain the different factors responsible for genetic variations.

Genetic variation refers to the diversity in DNA sequences among individuals within a population, occurring in both germ cells (sperm and egg) and somatic cells (all other cells). Genetic variations are caused by following factors: I. Mutation: • Definition: Sudden, permanent heritable changes. • Types: Gene mutation (point mutation), chromosome structure mutation, chromosome number mutation. • Effect: Alters … Read more

What is isolation? Describe different type of reproductive isolation.

Isolation refers to the division of a species’ population into smaller units, where organisms in these subunits are hindered from interbreeding by barriers known as isolating mechanisms. Different type of reproductive isolation are as follows: I. Geographical Isolation: • Physical barriers like rivers, oceans, mountains, or glaciers divide the original population. • Organisms can’t cross these … Read more

Enlist the different factors that are responsible for changing gene frequency

The four major  factors that are responsible for changing gene frequency are as follows: 1. Gene mutations :induce hereditary alterations either in a solitary gene or across an entire chromosome. 2. Natural selection:instigates modifications in the gene frequency within a population, subsequently fostering evolutionary changes over time. 3. Migration :engenders the relocation of populations, facilitating … Read more

Write a note on genetic drift.

Genetic drift is the random alteration of gene frequencies in a population due to chance, particularly prominent in small populations. 1. Founder effect occurs when a portion of the population, isolated or migrated, develops genetic distinctions from the original due to allelic frequency changes, potentially leading to the emergence of a new species. 2. The … Read more