State the hardy-weinberg eqnilibrium.

1. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium asserts that genetic variation stays constant in a population under random mating and no disruptive factors, predicting stable genotype and allele frequencies. 2. However, natural forces like mutations, selection, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and gene flow often disturb this equilibrium, making it more of an idealized concept than a practical reality … Read more

What is adaptive radiation?

Definition: Adaptive radiation refers to the evolutionary process where diverse species emerge from a common ancestor and spread out in various directions.e.g 1. Darwin’s finches on the Galapagos Islands exemplify adaptive radiation, originating from a single seed-eating species that arrived by chance. 2. The diverse beak shapes in these finches evolved as a result of … Read more

Define gene frequency

Gene frequency, as defined by Gillespie (2004), represents the proportion or percentage of a population possessing a specific allele at a given genetic locus. This concept is more accurately termed allele frequency. It quantifies the prevalence of a particular gene variant within a population, reflecting the distribution of alleles at that locus.

Describe the ‘lac-operon’.

The Lac operon, proposed by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod, is predominantly found in prokaryotes like E. coli, representing the first identified gene regulatory process in bacteria. Comprising an operator, promoter, three structural genes (lacZ, lacY, lacA), and a terminator, the operon governs the regulation of lactose, including its transport and metabolism. The structural genes … Read more

Describe the process of translation in protein synthesis

Translation is the term used to describe the polymerization of amino acids into a polypeptide, constituting the biological process by which proteins are synthesized is called translation. Translation happens in following main steps: Initiation, Elongation, Translocation, Termination Initiation: 1. The initiation phase involves the assembly of ribosomes around the target mRNA. 2. Ribosomes, known as … Read more