Milk start to coagulate when Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) is added to warm milk as a starter. Mention any two other benefits of LAB.

Production of dairy production: Curd: It can be a finished dairy product or the initial step in making cheese. Coagulation, induced by rennet, culture, or edible acids like lemon juice, causes milk proteins to form solid curds. Yogurt: Yogurt forms by blending heated milk with bacteria, specifically Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The mixture is … Read more

Name any two bacterial biofertilizers.

Bacterial biofertilizers are: Rhizobium: 1. Rhizobium, a soil bacterium, forms a symbiotic relationship with leguminous plants. 2. Through root attachment, Rhizobium induces the formation of nodules on the plant roots. 3. These nodules play a crucial role in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, aiding the plant’s growth. Azotobacter: 1. Azotobacter comprises Gram-negative, soil-dwelling bacteria that … Read more

Do you think that friends can influence one to take alcohol/drugs? If yes, how may one protect himself/herself from such an influence?

Certainly, friends can impact alcohol consumption in the pursuit of modernity or as a status symbol. Preventive measures against alcohol and drug abuse include the following measures: To command one’s will, a person needs considerable strength: The phrase suggests that individuals need strong self-discipline and inner strength to exert control over their desires and decisions. … Read more

In your view, what motivates the youngsters to take to alcohol or drugs and how can this be avoided?

People may succumb to peer pressure, driven by the desire for excitement and a liking for certain tastes. The escape from frustrations, influenced by family history, can also contribute to such choices. Additionally, curiosity sparked by advertisements and a false belief in enhanced performance may play a role. Ultimately, some individuals may turn to substances … Read more

Describe the ill –effects of alcoholism on health.

Effects of Drug/Alcohol Abuse: i. Behavioral Changes: Immediate adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse manifest as reckless behavior, vandalism, and violence. ii. Coma/Death: Excessive drug doses may lead to coma or death due to respiratory, heart failure, or cerebral hemorrhage. Combining drugs with alcohol often results in overdose and fatalities. iii. Social Changes: Warning … Read more

Describe the different type of immunity.

There are two fundamental types of immunity: Innate or Inborn (inherited) immunity and Acquired or Adaptive immunity. i. Innate Immunity: Innate immunity is the genetically inherited resistance to infections. It serves as the natural defense system of the body, not influenced by prior contact with microorganisms or immunization. This non-specific immunity provides a general degree of … Read more