Explain the histological structure of ovary in human.

The ovary has a central medulla and an outer cortex. The cortex is covered by germinal epithelium, while the medulla contains stroma with blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerve fibers. In the cortex, you find developing ovarian follicles, starting with primordial follicles that have a central primary oocyte. Throughout the menstrual cycle, these primordial follicles … Read more

Describe the various methods of birth control to avoid pregnancy.

Birth control methods are categorized into temporary and permanent options: A. Temporary Methods: 1.Natural Method/Safe Period/Rhythm Method: Involves avoiding intercourse a week before and after menstrual bleeding, considering presumed ovulation on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. 2.Coitus Interruptus or Withdrawal: Requires the male partner to withdraw before ejaculation to prevent insemination, acknowledging drawbacks due to … Read more

What are the goals of RCH programme.

Goals of RCH Programmes: 1. To create awareness among people about various aspects related to reproduction. 2. To provide the facilities to people to understand and build up reproductive health. 3. To provide support for building up a reproductively healthy society. 4. To bring about a change mainly in three critical health indicators i.e. reducing … Read more

Which hormones are involved in parturition?

Parturition, the process of childbirth, involves a complex neuroendocrine mechanism: 1. Signals arise from the fully formed foetus and placenta cause mild uterine contractions. 2. This is accompanied by an increased estrogen-progesterone ratio and the rise of oxytocin receptors in uterine muscles. 3. The elevated hormone ratio leads to strong contractions of the uterus’s myometrium … Read more

Which as the function of male accessory glands?

Male accessory glands secrete substances that protect the gametes and facilitate their movement. 1. Seminal vesicles: These small pouches on the back of the urinary bladder release an alkaline fluid, making up around 60% of semen. This fluid, with fructose for energy, fibrinogen for coagulation, and prostaglandins for sperm movement, helps propel semen into the … Read more

What is capacitation? Give it’s importance.

Capacitation typically takes 5-6 hours, involving thinning of the acrosome membrane, entry of Ca++ into the sperm, and initiation of rapid whiplash movements in sperm tails. This process makes sperms highly active, prompting them to move upward from the vagina to the uterus and oviducts. Prostaglandins and female vestibular secretions further enhance sperm motility. Sperms … Read more

Describe female reproductive system of human.

The human female reproductive system consists of several important parts: i. Internal Genitalia: a. Ovary: The primary female sex organ, solid, oval, or almond-shaped, located near the kidneys. Measures 3 cm in length, 1.5 cm in breadth, and 1 cm in thickness. Positioned in the upper lateral part of the pelvis, held in place by … Read more

How Indian culture and traditions helped in bio-diversity conservation? Give importance of conservation in terms of utilitarian reasons.

1. In various Indian cultural and religious traditions, biodiversity finds protection and reverence, as seen in festivals and practices. For instance, Nagpanchami celebrates the respect for snakes, acknowledging their role in the ecosystem by controlling the rat population. 2. The Vatapournima festival involves the worship of a banyan tree, showcasing the cultural significance of plants. … Read more

During large public gatherings like Pandharpur vari mobile toilets are deployed by the government. Explain how this organic waste is disposed.

1) Government deploys mobile toilets, showcasing ecological sanitation, especially during large public events like Pandharpur vari. 2) This approach to human waste disposal is practical, efficient, and cost-effective. 3) Ecological sanitation (ecosan) is implemented to conserve water and prevent sewage generation, employing dry composting toilets as a sustainable solution. Organic waste disposal: 1) Ecosan is … Read more