What is degeneracy of genetic code?

Degeneracy in the genetic code refers to the phenomenon where a specific amino acid can be encoded by multiple codons. This coding redundancy enables a wide range of permutations and combinations for the representation of a given amino acid, often with variations in just one nucleotide among codons that share the same meaning.

Why are okazaki fragments formed on lagging strand only?

1. Fragments on the lagging strand are created during DNA synthesis. 2. Synthesis occurs in the 5′ to 3′ direction toward the replication fork. 3. These fragments enable replication on only one of the two strands. 4. This enhances the efficiency of DNA replication.

Describe the different types of choromosomes.

Chromosomes exhibit diverse structures classified into four types based on the centromere’s position: 1. Metacentric: In metacentric chromosomes, the centromere is centrally located, resulting in arms of nearly equal length. This configuration gives the chromosome a characteristic ‘V’ shape during anaphase. 2. Sub-metacentric: Characterized by a centromere positioned away from the middle, sub-metacentric chromosomes have … Read more

What is cris-cross inheritance? Explain with suitable example.

Criss-cross inheritance is a pattern where genes are transmitted from father to daughter and then to her son, meaning from male to female and subsequently from female to male (grandson). In simpler terms, it is described as the transfer of genes from a grandfather to his grandson through his daughter. 1) The inheritance pattern of color … Read more