Describe the structure of blastula.

1. Definition: It’s an early embryonic stage with a spherical arrangement of cells and a central fluid-filled cavity.

2. Formation: After the zygote’s intricate cell division in the morula stage, the blastula becomes a crucial milestone in development.

3. Hollow Structure:The blastula’s distinctive hollow nature with a fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel, sets the stage for subsequent development.

4. Cell Layers: Structurally, it forms a monolayer called the blastoderm, laying the foundation for cellular interactions.

5. Symmetrical: The blastula’s cells exhibit symmetrical arrangements, reflecting an organized development.

6. Early Development: As an embryonic precursor, the blastula initiates the unfolding of complex structures.

7. Gastrulation: It marks the start of gastrulation, crucial for developing the three germ layers and subsequent differentiation.

8. Size: While varying among species, the blastula generally maintains a small scale, emphasizing its delicate nature.

9. Cell Differentiation: Cells within the blastula are poised for diverse transformations, paving the way for later developmental complexity.

10. Precedes Organ Formation: As a precursor, the blastula precedes specialized structures like the gastrula, laying the foundation for organ and tissue development in the evolving embryo.

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