Distinguish between Blood capillary and lymph capillary.

Blood Capillary:

1. Function:
Blood capillaries facilitate the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products between the bloodstream and surrounding tissues.

2. Composition:
As part of the circulatory system, they contain red and white blood cells, along with plasma.

3. Fluid Movement:
Blood capillaries enable the movement of blood from arteries to veins, delivering oxygen-rich blood to tissues and returning oxygen-depleted blood to the heart.

4. Color:
Carrying red blood, blood capillaries exhibit a red coloration due to the presence of hemoglobin.

5. Clotting Mechanism:
They contribute to the blood clotting process in response to injury or damage to blood vessels.

Lymph Capillary:

1. Function:
Lymph capillaries participate in draining excess fluid from tissues, returning it to the lymphatic system, and aiding in immune responses.

2. Composition:
Forming part of the lymphatic system, they contain clear lymph, white blood cells, and proteins.

3. Fluid Movement:
Lymph capillaries transport lymph away from tissues, eventually joining larger lymph vessels that return the lymph to the bloodstream.

4. Color:
Unlike blood capillaries, they carry clear lymph and lack the red coloration associated with blood vessels.

5. Clotting Mechanism:
Lymph capillaries do not play a role in the blood clotting process; their primary functions involve fluid balance and participation in immune responses.

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