Intrinsic Clotting:
1. Start:
Intrinsic clotting begins when there is damage inside blood vessels, like the lining getting hurt.
2. Involved Parts:
It uses things in the blood, like platelets and plasma proteins (factor XII).
3. Step-by-Step:
A series of steps happens, activating different factors in the blood to make a strong blood clot.
4. Role:
Intrinsic clotting is important for dealing with injuries inside blood vessels, making sure blood clots to stop bleeding.
Extrinsic Clotting:
1. Start:
Extrinsic clotting kicks in when there’s an injury outside blood vessels, exposing tissue factor (TF).
2. Involved Parts:
It involves tissue factor (TF) from damaged tissues and other factors in the blood.
3. Step-by-Step:
Tissue factor connects with blood clotting factors, starting a process that forms a stable blood clot.
4. Role:
Extrinsic clotting is crucial for responding to external injuries, making sure blood clots to prevent excessive bleeding.