During large public gatherings like Pandharpur vari mobile toilets are deployed by the government. Explain how this organic waste is disposed.

1) Government deploys mobile toilets, showcasing ecological sanitation, especially during large public events like Pandharpur vari.

2) This approach to human waste disposal is practical, efficient, and cost-effective.

3) Ecological sanitation (ecosan) is implemented to conserve water and prevent sewage generation, employing dry composting toilets as a sustainable solution.

Organic waste disposal:

1) Ecosan is an approach that safely reuses excreta in agriculture, diminishing reliance on chemical fertilizers.

2) Ecosan toilets operate as closed systems, eliminating the need for water. They serve as an alternative to leach pit toilets, particularly in water-scarce areas or locations with groundwater contamination risks. Following the filling of an ecosan toilet pit, it is closed and sealed.

3) The principle underlying ecosan involves recovering and recycling nutrients from excreta to produce a valuable resource for agriculture. Approximately 8-9 months later, the composting process transforms the feces into organic manure.

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