Enlist and explain the important characteristics of a population.

The main characteristics of a population encompass population size, population density, natality, mortality, sex ratio, immigration, emigration, age distribution, age pyramids, expanding population, population growth forms, and biotic potential.

1) Population Density: This metric reveals the number of individuals within a population per unit space at a specific time, highlighting the spatial concentration of the population.

2) Natality: Natality represents the birth rate of a population, indicating the rate at which new individuals are added to the population.

3) Mortality: Mortality reflects the death rate within a population, providing insights into the rate of individuals leaving the population.

4) Age Distribution and Age Pyramids:
a. Populations consist of individuals across various age groups, categorized as pre-reproductive (0-14 years), reproductive (15-44 years), and post-reproductive (45-85+ years).
b. The age structure of a population is determined by the relative proportions of individuals in different age groups.
c. When age distribution is graphically represented, it forms an age pyramid.

5) Sex Ratio: The sex ratio denotes the proportion of individuals of one sex relative to the other within the population, offering insights into the gender composition.

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