Give an account of poultry diseases.

Diverse poultry diseases can be categorized into various types:

1. Viral Diseases: Examples include Ranikhet, Bronchitis, and Avian Influenza (bird flu), which has not only had a significant impact on poultry farming but has also been known to cause infections in humans.

2. Bacterial Diseases: Conditions such as Pullorum, Cholera, Typhoid, Tuberculosis (TB), Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD), and Enteritis are attributed to bacterial infections.

3. Fungal Diseases: Affecting poultry, fungal diseases encompass Aspergillosis, Favus, and Thrush.

4. Parasitic Diseases: Poultry can suffer from various parasitic infections, including lice infection, roundworm infestations, and caecal worm infections.

5. Protozoan Diseases: Coccidiosis stands out as a protozoan disease affecting poultry health.

Each of these categories presents specific challenges to poultry health and necessitates tailored prevention and treatment strategies for effective poultry management.

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