How does the transmission of each of the following diseases take place? a. Amoebiasis b. Malaria c. Ascariasis d. Pneumonia

Amoebiasis is typically spread through:

1. The fecal-oral route.

2. Contact with unclean hands or objects.

3. Anal-oral contact.

4. Consumption of contaminated food and water.

Symptoms of malaria:

1. Experience fever with shivering.

2. Encounter joint pain or arthralgia.

3. Episodes of vomiting.

4. Develop anemia from RBC rupture or haemolysis.

5. Notice haemoglobinuria.


1. The primary transmission of Ascaris eggs occurs through the consumption of unsafe and unhygienic food and drinks.
2. Inside the new host’s intestine, the eggs undergo hatching.
3. The larvae traverse different organs before eventually establishing themselves as adults within the digestive system.


1. Pneumonia primarily transmits through direct person-to-person contact.
2. The spread also occurs through droplet infection, wherein infected individuals release contagious droplets.
3. Transmission can occur via contact with the patient’s clothing and utensils.

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