List the properties of the nerve fibres.

Excitability :

Increased responsiveness or irritability characterizes the heightened sensitivity of an organ or body part, reflecting its heightened reactivity to stimulation.


Conductivity refers to how easily electric charge or heat can move through a substance. A conductor is a material that offers minimal resistance to the flow of electric current or thermal energy.


A stimulus is something that can initiate a physical or behavioral response, and its plural form is stimuli. These can be either external, like your body reacting to a medication, or internal, such as changes in vital signs in response to internal changes.


Individual sub-threshold stimuli lack the ability to trigger an action potential, yet when administered rapidly in succession, they collectively induce the generation of an action potential.

All or none:

A nerve fiber either transmits the entire impulse or none of it. When a stimulus reaches the threshold level, an action potential is triggered, but further increasing the stimulus strength does not impact the action potential.

Refractory period:

The refractory period refers to the temporary reduced excitability of nerve fibers during conduction, limiting their ability to generate a new electrical impulse until the current one is complete.

Synaptic delay:

Synaptic delay refers to the time lapse from the peak of the inward current in the presynaptic membrane to the initiation of the inward current in the postsynaptic membrane.

Synaptic fatigue:

Synaptic transmission fatigue denotes a gradual decrease in the post-synaptic potential amplitudes during prolonged, relatively high-frequency activation of pre-synaptic neurons. This reflects the ongoing depletion of available transmitter stores.


Velocity serves as a key indicator of both the position and speed of an object, defined as the distance traveled by the object within a specified unit of time. Alternatively, velocity can be described as the object’s displacement over a unit of time.

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