Shreyas went to a garden on a wintry morning. When he came back, he found it difficult to breath and started wheezing. What could be the possible condition and how can he be treated?

(1) Indications suggest that Shreyas might be experiencing allergic reactions, possibly due to exposure to allergens like pollen, dust, pet dander, or other environmental substances during his time in the garden. Alternatively, Shreyas, if already an asthma patient, could be facing exacerbated symptoms due to the wintry climate.

(2) When a person is allergic to a substance, such as pollen, their immune system reacts as if the substance is foreign and harmful, initiating efforts to destroy it.

(3) The body responds to these allergens by generating and releasing substances called IgE antibodies. These antibodies attach to various cells in the body, triggering the release of histamine. Histamine plays a crucial role in causing symptoms associated with pollen allergies, including difficulty breathing, wheezing, sneezing, and an itchy throat.

(4) Treatment options for allergic reactions encompass various medications:

 Antihistamines like cetirizine or diphenhydramine.

 Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine or oxymetazoline.

 Combination medications like Actifed and Claritin-D, which incorporate both antihistamine and decongestant components.

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