Explain the different methods of reproduction occuring in sponges.

Sponges, also known as poriferans, primarily reproduce through two main methods: 1. Sexual Reproduction Internal Fertilization: Some species have separate sexes, and internal fertilization occurs when sperm released by male sponges are captured by specialized cells in female sponges. Fertilization then occurs within the female sponge, leading to the development of larvae. External Fertilization: In … Read more

Write a note on IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a fertilization method where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, typically in a controlled laboratory environment using a test tube or specialized dish. This process creates a zygote or early-stage embryos containing up to 8 blastomeres. Following fertilization, these embryos can be transferred back into the fallopian … Read more

Comment on any two mechanical contraceptive methods.

Condoms Condoms are one of the most accessible and widely used mechanical contraceptives. They are thin, flexible sheaths typically made from latex, polyurethane, or natural materials like lambskin. Used during sexual intercourse, condoms act as a barrier, preventing sperm from reaching the vagina and reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Their effectiveness largely … Read more

Write a note on tubectomy

Tubectomy, also known as female sterilization, is a surgical procedure that involves closing, blocking, or sealing the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from reaching the uterus for fertilization. This procedure is a form of permanent contraception and is commonly chosen by individuals or couples who have completed their desired family size or do not wish … Read more

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals, including humans, in the initial days after giving birth. It’s a thick, yellowish fluid that provides essential nutrients, antibodies, and immune factors to newborns. Colostrum is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antibodies, offering vital support to a newborn’s immune system and helping in the development of … Read more

Name two types of particulate pollutants found in air. Add a note on ill effects of the same on human health.

Two types of pollutants are: Natural pollutants:Natural pollutants include mist, dust, fumes. Manmade pollutants: smoke particles, as well as smog pesticides, heavy metals, radioactive elements etc. Fine particles of dust can enter the respiratory passage, potentially causing harm to delicate lung tissues. Dust pollution can result from activities like construction, building demolition, and traffic. Additionally, … Read more

How does CO cause giddiness and exhaustion?

1. Carbon monoxide harms by binding to hemoglobin, diminishing blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. 2. This interference hampers oxygen supply to organs, leading to common effects like fatigue and headaches. 3. CO exposure can result in confusion and dizziness as the brain receives insufficient oxygen.

Green house effect is boon or bane? Give your opinion.

1. The natural greenhouse effect, crucial for Earth’s habitability, maintains a comfortable average temperature of 15 °C, making the planet suitable for life. 2. Unfortunately, human activities, particularly the rise in greenhouse gas levels from industrialization and automobiles, have transformed the once beneficial greenhouse effect into a significant threat, leading to global warming.

How does genetic diversity affect sustenance of a species?

Genetic diversity plays a crucial role in the sustenance of a species by enhancing its ability to adapt to environmental changes. The wide range of gene variations within a population enables individuals to withstand various forms of environmental stress. For instance, some individuals may possess better traits to endure increasing pollution, while others may lack … Read more

Tropical regions exhibit species richness as compared to polar regions. Justify.

1. Lush vegetation and abundant food thrive in tropical regions, thanks to the generous sunlight and humidity. 2. Polar regions, characterized by extensive snow cover, exhibit minimal vegetation and stark landscapes. 3. Survival in these extreme environments is reserved for a select few animal species equipped with specialized adaptations. 4. Plant and animal species diversity … Read more