An orchid plant is growing on the branch of mango tree. How do you describe this interaction between the orchid and the mango tree?

1. Orchids, as epiphytes, rely on mango trees for support without causing any harm to them. 2. The mango tree, despite providing support, does not receive any benefits from this association with the orchid. 3. The interaction between the orchid and mango tree is characterized as commensalism, where one species benefits (orchid) while the other … Read more

Name important defense mechanisms in plants against herbivores.

Morphological defense mechanisms: 1. Opuntia and cactus leaves undergo morphological changes, transforming into sharp spines or thorns, serving as a defense mechanism to deter herbivores from feeding on them. 2. Certain plants exhibit spiny leaf margins, creating sharp edges that pose challenges for herbivores attempting to consume them. 3. Acacia plants employ a defense strategy … Read more

If a marine fish is placed in a fresh water aquarium, will it be able to survive? Give reason.

1. Marine fish possess distinct osmoregulation mechanisms tailored for high-salinity environments, where ambient salinity exceeds their body’s ion concentration. 2. In marine water, the salinity levels are higher than the fish’s internal ion concentration, necessitating specialized adaptations for osmoregulation. 3. The reverse scenario occurs in fresh water, where the ambient salinity is lower than the … Read more

How is the dormancy of seeds different from hibernation in animals?

1. Dormant seeds exhibit no metabolic activities and can only resume growth when provided with adequate moisture and sunlight, typically through planting or exposure to a moist environment. 2. Hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity in animals, and their awakening is spontaneous, influenced by ambient temperature, occurring naturally after the winter sleep period.

In the process of rDNA technology, if two separate restriction enzymes are used to cut vector and donor DNA then which problem will arise in the formation of rDNA or chimeric DNA? Explain.

1. When employing r-DNA technology, the use of distinct restriction enzymes for cutting the vector and donor DNA leads to fragments possessing different sticky ends. 2. These sticky ends generated from the cutting process are not complementary to each other. 3. The non-complementary nature of the sticky ends hinders spontaneous rejoining of the DNA fragments. … Read more

A PCR machine can rise temperature upto 100 0 C but after that it is not able to lower the temperature below70 0 C automatically. Which step of PCR will be hampered first in this faulty machine? Explain why?

1. If the malfunctioning device cannot achieve a temperature below 70 °C, the initial primer annealing step will face impediments. 2. Each primer possesses a distinct annealing temperature, determined by its A, T, G, C composition, typically ranging from 40-60 °C.

Explain the properties of a good or ideal cloning vector for rDNA technology.

The ideal cloning vector should possess the following desired characteristics: 1. Enable independent replication through an origin of replication gene. 2. Facilitate seamless transfer into host cells. 3. Incorporate essential control elements such as promoters, operators, and ribosomal binding sites. 4. Integrate marker genes for antibiotic resistance. 5. Include recognition sites for restriction enzymes within … Read more

Enlist the species of honey bee mentioning their specific uses.

In India, four prevalent honey bee species include Apis dorsata (rock bee or wild bee), Apis florea (little bee), Apis mellifera (European bee), and Apis indica (Indian bee). Uses: 1. Rock bees : Rock bees yield an impressive 36 kg of honey per comb annually and also generate beeswax. 2. Little bees : Little bees … Read more

Give economic importance of fishery.

The significance of fisheries in the economy is as follows: 1. Offering valuable employment and self-employment opportunities, the industry proves to be a significant source of livelihood for many individuals. 2. Fish contribute to a nutritious diet, serving as a vital source of wholesome food. 3. The fishing industry generates various commercially valuable by-products, including … Read more

Write priciples of farm management.

Farm management adheres to the following principles: 1. Choosing high-yield breeds. 2. Comprehending farm animals’ feed needs. 3. Providing ample nutritional sources for animals. 4. Ensuring environmental cleanliness. 5. Sustaining health through veterinary oversight. 6. Implementing vaccination initiatives. 7. Creating high-yield crossbred varieties. 8. Producing diverse items and preserving them. 9. Handling distribution and marketing … Read more