What is denitrification?

Denitrification is the microbial breakdown of nitrate compounds into nitrite and Nitrogen gas. This process is facilitated by denitrifying bacteria such as Thiobacillus, Pseudomonas, Spirillum, found in the soil. These microbes play a crucial role in the natural nitrogen cycle by converting nitrates into gaseous forms, promoting nutrient recycling.

Why do diurnal changes occur in osmotic potential of gaurd cells?

1. During the daytime, the enzymatic activity of phosphorylase facilitates the conversion of starch into sugar, contributing to increased sugar levels. 2. Conversely, during the nighttime, there is a reversal in this process, with sugar being converted back into starch through the action of phosphorylase. 3. These diurnal variations in enzymatic activity result in dynamic … Read more