What is a vaccine? Give advantages of oral vaccines or edible vaccines.

A vaccine is essentially a biological tool that trains our immune system. It introduces a weakened or harmless part of a pathogen to our body, teaching our immune system to recognize and defend against it. So, if we later encounter the actual disease, our immune system is ready and equipped to mount a swift defense.

The advantages of oral vaccines, also known as edible vaccines, include:

1) Convenient administration: Needle-free vaccine delivery reduces the risk of transmitting blood-borne pathogens and allows health workers without extensive medical training to administer them.

2) Cost-effectiveness: Manufacturing oral vaccines is economically favorable as it eliminates the need for specialized facilities. Edible vaccines can be produced on a large scale more easily compared to those derived from animal systems.

3) Simple storage: Biotechnologically produced vaccines are stable at room temperature, in contrast to traditional vaccines that require cold chain storage. This stability reduces the annual cost associated with preserving vaccines.

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