Write a note on lac culture.

1. Derived from the dermal glands of the female lac insect (Trachardia lacca), lac is a resin with a distinct pink hue that solidifies upon exposure to air, resulting in the formation of lac.

2. Constituting a complex substance, lac encompasses resin, sugar, water, minerals, and alkaline substances, contributing to its multifaceted composition.

3. Displaying colonial habits, the lac insect sustains itself by feeding on succulent twigs, including ber, peepal, palas, kusum, and babool.

4. To enhance the quality and quantity of lac production, these plants undergo artificial inoculation, ensuring a consistent and improved supply of lac.

5. While natural lac is inherently impure, the process of washing and filtering yields a refined version known as shellac.

6. The versatile applications of lac extend to the creation of bangles, toys, woodwork, inks, mirrors, and various other products, highlighting its diverse utility.

7. India holds a substantial 85% share in the global production of lac, underscoring its significant contribution to the world market.

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